Between Faith and Fear

Some nights as I lay listless, unable to sleep, I sense fear trying to grip me, rob me, and shake everything within me. We must choose to cast down every imagination that is not from Him, to think on things that are pure and lovely and cast our cares upon Him, for truly He cares for us. His perfect love casts out all fear, and in the midst of times like this, I am challenged to see His love that is stronger, His Word that is unshakable, and His truth that never changes.

The Enemy is determined to have us question God, even as he did way back in the garden when he asked Eve, “Did God really say?” We must answer the Enemy confidently with God’s Word and say, “Yes, God did say, yes, God will do, and yes, God is willing and able.”

I pray for all those struggling, halted between faith and fear; Lord, be their strength, be their clarity, be their light, be their way back to truth. I ask You, Lord, to help us fight the good fight of faith, help us to believe Your promises, help us remember You are always with us and that we are never alone. Father, help us in our unbelief. May we be believers, trusting You for all our needs.

Thank You, Lord. Because of You, we are winners, made like You, a people with Your nature, a people who endure to the end. We shall not be moved. We will remain trees planted by living waters that bring forth fruit in season, fruit that remains … And all because of You.

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4 NIV)

And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

(Mark 9:24 KJV)

An excerpt from Gale’s Devotional, HeartBeats, the rhythm of love.

2 thoughts on “Between Faith and Fear

  1. Reginald Charlestin

    This confirming Truth resonates so loudly in my spirit. In the midst of a pandemic, I have learned the importance of guarding my ear gates. As we allow ourselves to listen to report after report, news after news…hearing about numbers rising and death toll showing no mercy, it would be easy to become captive to fear. I daily reminded myself that I have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. This verse had to spoken out of my own my so that I can hear myself saying it. Why? Because FAITH also comes in through the ear gate…the same way fear does. Whatever I decided to let into this gate is that what I allow my spirit man to feed on. I choose to walk by and live by faith.


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